If there is one thing that defines our family business, it has got to be our understanding of beef. Quality is key. That is why Hutten Beef always works with healthy Dutch cows, in a smoothly integrated chain of slaughtering, production and distribution.

Modern at all times
We were always about connecting traditional craftsmanship with the latest technology. Cherishing that combination has allowed us to grow into a hyper-modern company while maintaining our authentic craftsmanship. Quality is our top priority and we always keep tabs on the latest technological developments.

The people behind Hutten Beef
Every single member of our team of involved, enthusiastic professionals in Heeten is responsible for our quality. That is where our beef products begin their journey across Europe, Asia and more and more different parts of the world.
-product expert-
For any request
Customers from the Netherlands and far beyond its borders approach us with their specific needs. We have the right specialist on-board for any challenge. These are the men of Hutten Beef:

Quality in beef
Hutten Beef is proud of the rich history of our slaughterhouse. We began as a tightly-knit family business in Heeten, operating from the Dutch countryside. Since its inception, our business has seen rapid growth. As of 2015, we are serving our clients from a hyper-modern slaughterhouse, fitted with innovative, sustainable technology.
Gerrit Hutten founds the slaughterhouse in Nieuw Heeten.

Gerrit takes the initiative to build a new slaughterhouse together with his business partner. However, the business partner withdraws to choose a different path. Gerrit decides to develop the new construction plans on his own.
Frans and Geert Hutten take over the business upon the passing of Gerrit’s second wife.

Part of the farm is demolished to make room for a new freezer room. In addition, a new suspended slaughtering process is implemented for processing beef and veal.
Marcel and Vincent Hutten take over the business.

A new slaughtering facility is constructed to meet the most recent requirements.
Initial talks about a renovation or the construction of a completely new slaughterhouse. After a lot of discussions and slaughterhouse viewings across Europe, the understanding emerges that a completely new slaughterhouse needs to be built. This allows us to meet the latest requirements as well as exceed the standard, for example in terms of sustainability.

Completion of new slaughterhouse in current location in Heeten.
The 90-year anniversary makes 2018 a memorable year. The leading beef products that the family business represents are the result of 90 years’ worth of determination to be the best and stay the best. The company name is changed to: Hutten Beef.